DeepInto® VIDEO - Subtitling

DeepInto® Video offers its users an excellent subtitling service by accelerating the time-to-market of each audiovisual content to the maximum

4 steps to ensure highly reliable subtitles and add value to the translation of your videos


Transcription and spotting

Transcription and spotting conveyed by the AI technologies of the DeepInto® Video platform with post-editing and 100% human adaptation by professional Subtitling experts (CPS, CPL, reading time, etc.).



Translation by our translators/adapters who also carry out meticulous editing work to ensure high quality subtitles that faithfully respect the audio content of the original video.



Validation by providing clients with subtitles in Word format for approval by the company or by individual business partners. Verification of the changes requested by the client and integration of the same in the final subtitles.


Subtitle insertion

Subtitle insertion carried out by our specialized technicians who can perform the localization of the various graphic elements of the video at the time of editing. If we are provided with the original processing files, our video makers are able to locate the different graphic animations present in the starting version.

Instantly get an online translation quote.

Highly customizable subtitles

By creating a subtitling project on the DeepInto® Video platform, the user can define the following characteristics:


All types of fonts available in Adobe Cloud, color backgrounds, shading, italic, bold, etc.


Possibility of inserting a type 16 black band: 9, possibility of lifting certain subtitles to avoid overlapping with other graphics such as girths, etc.


Appearance time, reading time in characters per second (CPS), number of subtitle lines, characters per line (CPL), etc.


Definition of editorial standards (punctuation and spacing, upper and lower case, writing Roman numerals, numbers, symbols, telephone, etc.).